Sunday, May 30, 2010

An Artificial Fortress

As the walls came down, with history revealed,
what was this writer's groundbreaking achievement,
creating synthetic art?

His tortured relationship with sobriety,
loaded guns in strategic locations,
ready to provide a quick resolution?

A wide range of compounds,
transforming the pain,
as he lay tenaciously dying?

-- Scott H. Stoller

An uneasy ride with Dennis Hopper
Johnson & Johnson Criticized Over Drug Recall
Scientists Control Cell With Synthetic Genome

Friday, May 28, 2010

Unleashing President Stronghold

forces broke, said
the first country offered just a spill
gushed months, grip, a day rig toddler

miles off, which was an industry disaster
spewed and exploded, surpassing not the baron
        but visited his father

and the estimated
history, now advocates away, that example of global use
about as much, since the alleged coast siege,
        the now into the vice between

-- Kale Humphrey

BP: 48 hours before clear if mud stops oil leak
Jamaica drug gangs 'call the shots'
Outrage erupts as 2-year-old lights up

Monday, May 24, 2010

Delicate Killing Advocated

Their anger grew.
It's difficult to derail a southern train.
You can force it off the tracks

in a landslide of wreckage and oil
but it's coming right back. It's hard to explain.
When you cannot believe the blow ups,

when you won't stop hiding the dead,
when sermons ooze twisted philosophy,
southern trains are difficult to derail. It's hard to explain.

-- Scott H. Stoller

EPA chief to return to Gulf Coast to monitor spill
Train hits landslide, derails in China, killing 19
Yemeni cleric advocates killing US civilians

Monday, May 17, 2010

Afternoon Abstinence Factors

horses cheat
on their partners

photos are
briefly cleavage-free

getting flak
for rethinking virginity

-- Scott H. Stoller

The Science of a Happy Marriage
Marijuana plantations feeding Europe's habit
Why Is a Former Sex Blogger "Rethinking Virginity"?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Scheduled Stress Symptoms

A fatal disease is spreading across subtropical twilight skies.
The continued expansion of virulent stars
is more deadly than otherwise believed.

Infected physicians successfully killed
a stressed out but healthy young porpoise.
A number of dogs are now ill. The cats cannot be comforted.

The experts expressed some alarm---
Strange talking girls can be ultimately prevented
but that is not what we are seeing.

-- Scott H. Stoller

Mystery Disease Linked to Missing Israeli Scientist
Last chance to see Atlantis in night sky
Stressed? Calling Mom helps, study says

Flash Flood Ritual

burning in a castle
with a thatching of arrows skewered, recreational archers
shouting liquor of scorched pine

bottles in mud
shattered on smooth stumps
a ram stumbled

near footpaths
hands scale trees
repeated horses jumped the gate

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Hockey joy turns to violence in wake of Canadiens' victory
All Crowe and arrows
Elena Kagan follows Supreme Court rulebook: be bland

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Marry Risk, Despairing

Flossing to me is despairing after knot.
The know of it is we five, nixed by the diagnosed wives.
Charged for activities linking highlighted attack

to supporters of attempted monologue.
Day Two: us container cynics caught Big Sunny in our ice -
couldn’t even gesture, we cream excitement.

Some increased risk of we, early to the Unity trees,
hating live idea of planting service after a religious
plan-your-own. I kept with it come a-problems time.

-- Katie Longofono

'I Chose Not to Have My Dad Give Me Away'
If spouse has dementia, your risk rises, too
Our Take - Jay's Blink-and-You-Missed-It Rip on Conan