Monday, February 20, 2017

Credulity Open Overtures

even more by the questions morning dismiss address
reassure overtures obsolete after all hard going
absolutely no vision came surrounding going inner

attacks on media comments took place in a softer light
individual liberties lost sparring tweeting no credulity
a free and times adversarial press democracy as we know it

out of their hands a door remains open
we have moved on the last thing legal obstacles and
electoral backlash what happens harder tone of reprieve

-- Clark Allison

Washington PR push fails to quell Europe's anxiety over Trump
Dictatorship, Nixonian: McCain Among Trump Critics on Media
"That bus has gone": EU sees no Brexit U-turn now

Sunday, February 19, 2017

An Unbelievable Battleground

The world is currently an exodus of people
A clash between thousands
Brutal conflicts arise

A surge of demonstrations
Against a nemesis
Millions are desperate for change

People wish for
An extraordinary miracle, but
Will there ever be a victory?

-- Sophia Moreno

What It’s Like in the 7 Countries on Travel Ban List
Uber triggers protest for collecting fares during taxi strike
Roger Federer beats Rafael Nadal in Australian Open

With Atmospheric Ubiquity

An Internet shrine made to celebrate the real world,
in patterns humans alone could not follow,
like Sufi songs drifting over highest Peru.

Hundreds of devotees have since been injured
in the restoration of the weather monarchy.
And who is that giant fraud bomber, they said,

moving unknowingly around crowded public places,
helping to deliver death and corruption?
It's King Loon on rollerblades.

-- Glenn R. Frantz

An attack on everything Sufism stands for
Machine Learning Invades Real World on Internet Balloons
Spain's Princess Cristina acquitted in tax fraud trial

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Opinions Missed Artistry

unrest same district sparked by alleged brutality escalated
placed under formal investigation vehicles set on fire
out of touch widespread criticism borrowing costs opinions

urged to search phrases growing problem template fraud
emotional damage far outweighs strange knew so much
missed identity scammer what story laptop phone

instructed consider quality commercial cultural interest
made to amorphous criteria self-interest financial benefit
based more artistry than sales I don't know what this means

-- Clark Allison

Paris riots escalate as police face investigation for alleged rape
Online dating conmen 'using love letter templates'
Do the Grammy Awards 'Mean Anything?' Probably Not

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Iconic Illiberal Confusion

suspended controversial ban ridiculous vowing ruling
hard to understand detail challenging ban resume
causing anger confusion indefinite suspension whatsoever

wielding machete assailant full display drizzly winter
sprawling building iconic museum spoke condition anonymity
leaning against wall blue and white sports jacket

tasteless criticised cartoon welcoming migrant masses
unfair gain catastrophic mistake gory fashion cover front
sense distorted image illiberal irony sides comparison

-- Clark Allison

US reverses travel ban over court ruling as Trump fumes
Louvre museum reopens; Egypt identifies machete attacker
Der Spiegel: Trump beheading cover sparks criticism

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Victorian Media Mansion

A narrow road with unoccupied mansion,
parked cars which water the waste
squatters who moved despite lawyers.

The Victorian era created social media
in a flooding, largely, screaming abuse
at oligarch and sewerage services.

Water the fight against water waste
to highlight inequality to contribute
to a five-year plan to knock him out.

-- Alex Horn

Jeremy Vine road rage driver's lawyer pleads for leniency
Average water bills to rise by 2% this year to aid investment
Belgravia mansion squatters evicted by bailiffs

Breakthough: We Learned the Risk

Divorce could end in a fist fight
Breaking the wall of silence
Unaware of the faulty heart

The key things we learned
Paralysed, “happy”, locked in
At risk and unknown

I never have, never would
Impossible to read their thoughts
Warned of the risk

-- Jennifer Grounds

11 things we learned about Brexit from Sir Ivan Rogers
Mind-reading scientists ‘talk’ to locked-in syndrome patients
25,000 at risk of coronary heart disease due to faulty gene

Kill Our Galaxy

His heart is a void
She told the Moon - a long term case
One that could result in a catastrophic kill.

A collision course,
hurtling at 1.2 million miles an hour
A woman and a man met in space

But now, leave a note
Online, on the Earth, the Moon
A court document for space, 65 billion years from now.

-- Spencer Byrne

Earth And Moon May Be On Long-Term Collision Course
Woman declares, ‘I am a serial killer!’ and stabs date in chest
Huge ‘dead zone’ is pushing galaxy through space

Core of Loneliness

Living in the blue room
Ripped away from an iron core
Bodies that almost became notorious

Looking back can make you feel captured
You feel safer being a secret
At the cost of a terrible fate

Strangely the loneliness below the surface
Is a happy chain of stories
Across the ice searching for comfort

-- Kathryn Wright

Hunt for Antarctica's 'missing meteorites'
'Down and anxious' - when loneliness hits
The secret trade in baby chimps