Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Proof Algorithms Nonentities

gallery of rogues nonentities façade of elaborate civility
dully ineffective seriously clever
zealots of deregulation and free market

ferocity of debate a proof ideological stakes high
petition to disqualify entire season
the idea of narrative closure intolerable

video achieved from a single photo
convincing deepfake has huge misuse potential
algorithms trained on public 7000 images database

-- Clark Allison

Who should be the next Tory leader? Our panel responds
Game of Thrones Tapped Into Fears
Mona Lisa 'brought to life' with deepfake AI

Monday, May 13, 2019

Swallow Monopolistic Idea

accept significant supporting step month of little progress
come to terms with idea subject cross-party unless
show progress pull out with pressure resumed

would not swallow any bitter fruit
beef lamb fruit juice cooking oil tea coffee
impose bilateral tariffs denied consumers would pay

line-drawing not make a lot of sense
allegedly sets the stage adding a mandatory fee
monopolistic 30 percent commission

-- Clark Allison

Brexit: Cross-party deal must include new referendum
China hits back in trade war with US
Supreme Court says Apple will have to face App Store monopoly lawsuit