Thursday, September 01, 2016

Layered Geographic Pictures

in a foreign country
tiny noodles lick an iceberg
with uncommon modesty

(the noodles, not the iceberg, which its admirers call
"The Greenstone," made famous by "School of Rock"
and other films about geologists)

cone-shaped microbes ricocheted from the seafloor
sampling fossilized ship's food from the Titanic
in a luxury undisturbed by pop culture sediment

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Could these be the world's oldest fossils?
How Much Do You Know About the Titanic?
'Lick your screen': China's press fawn over Trudeau

Friday, August 12, 2016

Developments Actually Develop

springboard were first first the springboard in first
cactus but the cactus secret secret cactus cactus
cache and the cache cactus cactus cache cache

bells sprung a vanished it just to just bells bells
tap both a bounced they once against once tap tap
cactus secret a flubbed she again of again cactus cactus

flower and the flower hostile hostile flower flower
rivals were secret secret the rivals in secret
dynamo were laughing laughing the dynamo in laughing

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Putin Fans the Flames in Ukraine Once Again
What Makes Simone Biles Unlike Any Other Gymnast
Dynamo, Cactus Flower, Tondero Back Fuentes-Leon

Thursday, July 21, 2016

That Symbiotic Innuendo

It rained reliably, which provides
a widening metaphor for the dark years
and an automobile for overshadowing the embarrassment.

We're only looking for that symbiotic innuendo
that makes lead into gold, or speech into music.
Driving around listening to

the late karaoke host Dakota Swift,
we didn't find the elusive Invisible University --
maybe since it's invisible?

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Scientists looking for invisible dark matter can't find any
Michelle Obama's Glorious, Savvy 'Carpool Karaoke' Clip
Ted Cruz Reopens Party Wounds on Dramatic RNC Convention Night

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Dropping-Bricks Situation

Let's get rid of these molecules.
Let's get rid of this glamour and charisma.
I could not want it,

to get a taste of the leader of the cat kingdom,
empty Major of an empty majority.
This unusual patient we could not heal

was a world, a spacecraft, a radiology to a room
through a million darkened kilometers.
Who decided to get rid of Antarctica's ozone?

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Michael Gove lays out case to lead Britain post-Cameron
NASA's dangerous mission: Unravel Jupiter's secrets
Antarctica's Ozone Hole Is Shrinking, Study Shows

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Rough Climate Under

jigsaw melting pieces multi-layered and loop atmosphere
unique stability that underpins unique
feedback open amplification advanced and push atmosphere

air meteor that have destabilizing
winds monstrous eye warming and swallow temperatures
land patterns up which it could have or raise

speech flag that keep babbling
makes leaves together what they might have or throw
bit bit again what they might could or do

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Why perilous Oakmont and U.S. Open fit together so perfectly
Study links Greenland melting with 'Arctic amplification'
Major and Blair Warn Northern Ireland About Brexit Risks

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Transparent Celestial Brightness

Astronomers have produced the
most brilliant planet of all, the
sun sets and Johns Hopkins University,

that allows scientists to get in
19 different galaxies, and in
the south-southeast glows amber colored

Mars, we can see while low in the
cloud tops, unveiling massive movement
of time to measure distance. Soon.

-- Ada Hoffman with jGnoetry

Hold on tight: Universe may be expanding faster than thought
Radio Map Unveils Ammonia Gas in Jupiter's Atmosphere
The Brightest Planets in June's Night Sky

Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Contorted Understanding

what singular bosh
to see points drip from a nail
a starry snapshot dropped in baskets everywhere

the missing snag that inspired riddles of absence
like the Silver Beetles cutting different numbers
but absence is far more involved than that

the edge behind discoveries
stars are essential backgrounds
but microbes even more

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Dung beetles navigate by 'snapshot' of the stars
Goran Dragic saved the Heat from elimination
White House Begins National Microbiome Initiative

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Their Valued Jungles

Are we to believe that monkeys rafted to a new continent
to repair cars? Who would cross the ocean
just to tunnel under the Panama Canal?

But it's in the meaning of "Volkswagen,"
said the modern primate unintentionally. Related point:
We believe we have discovered marijuana or Tijuana,

it's unclear which. It may not matter.
But the vegetation is at least $22 million years old,
and rigged with the teeth of ancient diesel.

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Volkswagen Reaches Judge's Deadline for Diesel Car Fix
Major Drug Tunnel Found on California-Mexico Border
Monkeys Were In North America 21 Million Years Ago