Friday, May 09, 2008

Critical: Attracting Options

Beneath the low hum
of a graying sky, the fading
aura dissembles.

We were frankly warned
of this unexplained trend,
what it might mean.

In Tao, there is no
unsolicited urgency, only
the lone, myriad way.

-- Don Wentworth

Young Pennsylvania voters drawn to Obama
Iraqi lawmaker to U.S.: Back off
For Yahoo Clock Ticks Down to Microsoft Deadline


Greg said...


Jeff said...

It is quite interesting the way you so surprisingly bring the Tao in at the end. You must have combed your articles carefully to come up with such a cohesive poem that has a sort of buried narrative that only becomes apparent at the end.

Jeff Hansen

Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Thanks, Greg and Jeff. I've often found when I haven't been writing in awhile, a challenge like this is stimulating. If your voice comes through, your true voice, you know you've hit it and I'm happy with this one. Oddly, I was (and am) attracted to certain words which made this easier than it might seem.


Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Thanks, Greg and Jeff. I've often found when I haven't been writing in awhile, a challenge like this is stimulating. If your voice comes through, your true voice, you know you've hit it and I'm happy with this one. Oddly, I was (and am) attracted to certain words which made this easier than it might seem.
