Sunday, October 26, 2014

Almost Anybody Sustainable

more change affecting almost swath of branches
bailed-out third-quarter results high-street branches
jobs to be axed download a banking app

enabling the good side of humanity express
the dark side can polarise and demonise each other
must have been brought up like anybody else

digging around for some nefarious truth
of the attention living a different more fulfilling
life schedule that is not realistically sustainable

-- Clark Allison

Digital banking revolution: More change in 10 years than last 200
Tim Berners-Lee: 'Staggering how people are hateful on the web'
Renée Zellweger: 'I'm Glad Folks Think I Look Different'

Friday, October 24, 2014

Museum Leaves Awareness

Law and the boot both have to pay to keep up with the group
we steal the call of a daytime leopard
prowling in the fields of copyright

a smartphone in parrot as it was found or caught
which knockoffs to collect how not even the losses
can protect themselves from themselves

because they spread out of the reach
of the android they try to build between government operas
and the moonless apple of counterfeits lollipop

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Chimps Caught on Camera Prowling in National Park
Clueless FBI sabotages its own anti-encryption campaign
Knockoff Appeal: Counterfeits Can Boost Sales of Real Thing

Monday, October 13, 2014

Contract Through Surfaces

threatening species reservoir bivalves originated spread
block water supplies colonies on hard surfaces
non-native maximum risk new canal ships discharging ballast

weakened intense rain waves instruction personnel assigned
sustained highs expect damaging through
equivalent to videographers showing palm trees

with these in mind conscious talks from time to time
becoming person contract disease serious ZMapp
improving health source condition-made tested clinically

-- Clark Allison

Quagga mussel: 'Dangerous' mollusc found near Heathrow
Vongfong pelts Okinawa with rain, waves
Ebola-infected Spanish nurse improving after dose of ZMapp

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Has Competing Features

Louisiana's new product that can plant itself in rifts
and seas is locking green horns with neighboring Texas,
these giant plains that share almost a rectangle.

It can only be purchased online through bodily fluids,
and anyone sick enough to worry about it
is sick enough to know it's working.

The finding is that oceans don't know what color they are
(green, green), or that they know it but only share it
with someone they've previously showed it to.

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Louisiana preps in case Ebola virus arrives
Coke and Pepsi launch competing green stevia sodas
Scientists discover origins of moon's largest basin