Sunday, December 28, 2014

Easier Than Said

They lifted the sea and that was the next.
If you have three choices,
you have three choices and parts of January,

nearly all of January and nearly all of Sumatra.
You have a survey and parts of the ocean.
A column of seawater to have unwrapped

is not the worst of it.
To be the worst of it, to be fully the worst of it,
is to have to rush back to the seabed in a little morning.

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Got a Gift That Just Isn't You? Be a Smart Returner
Will Indonesia Be Ready for the Next Tsunami?
DMV delays rules for driverless cars

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Cyber Learning Days

still learning the details being insufficiently supportive
putting wings on pigs an attack in retribution
shot execution style stealing a box of cigarillos

the dark days of 1998 rouble has continued to plummet
then came Western sanctions a sense of panic in the markets
how severe the problems and is there a way out

capitulation sets a bad precedent on vacation in Hawaii
treat, you know, the incidence of crime not an act of war
costly cyber vandalism pre-taped interview this morning

-- Clark Allison

Two N.Y. police officers slain in apparent retribution attack
Russia economy: What is the risk of meltdown?
Obama says North Korea's Sony hack not 'an act of war'

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Fast Animal Artworks

She's the most recognizable woman in three dimensions,
but which is the portrait, and who do we see
when we are picturing mirrors everywhere?

The researchers think a lot of which way up they are,
as they manoeuvre to the Louvre, to the Louvre, mother,
like metal, like the difference between bats and batteries,

we gaze at the world through moldable portraits,
charged by a dust compass that can store a neural moment,
explains the woman with the conductive head.

-- Glenn R. Frantz

At Drexel, clay-like substance could be battery of future
Bat nav: Animals' 3D brain compass found
Art Exhibit Explores the Madonna as Woman, Mother, and Idea

Monday, November 24, 2014

Cue Damage Control

evacuated briefly fire broke out cause under investigation
small section carriage damage lit up with images of blaze
electrical fault caused lot of smoke incident under control

to exercise coercive control primarily a pattern of abuse
not a singular incident proposals unveiled campaigners
come forward proportion cases reaching prosecution falling

watches the news in hotel suite riven by culture wars
minus the bit about God doing immemorial work of
mutilating themselves over Europe cue to defect

-- Clark Allison

UK Authorities Briefly Evacuate Train Station
Emotional abuse 'set to become a criminal offence'
Main parties to blame for their agonies over Ukip

Friday, November 14, 2014

These Trading Neighborhood

bakery a in weaving you sheets the of
because the of is measure wanted
cake of contact the measured for

gliders a in swerving he head the on
because the on is polish fallen
methods through surface the aimed with

slab a of melting it shelves the over
because the over is melt taken
crash of step the pulled beneath

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Robot dolphins find Antarctic melt is due to underwater storms
Kiev authorities drive Ukraine into energy crisis
TV 'Cake Boss' star arrested in NYC on drunken driving charges

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Scary Unmarked Focus

desperate to shift headlines significant policy differences
keen to move the focus away stepping down remain in power
in/out close us off from the world zero chance

preparing for renewed fighting apparent escalation
unmarked military vehicles threatens the fragile ceasefire
Brandenburg Gate US triumphalism danger of further pressure

risks not that scary boost growth improve infrastructure
perceived risks regional economies fueling concern
resilience best equips slower growth a new normal

-- Clark Allison

Ed Miliband warns threats to leave EU a 'danger' to UK
Gorbachev warns world on ‘the brink of a new cold war’
Xi Jinping: China’s Economic Risks ‘Not That Scary

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Almost Anybody Sustainable

more change affecting almost swath of branches
bailed-out third-quarter results high-street branches
jobs to be axed download a banking app

enabling the good side of humanity express
the dark side can polarise and demonise each other
must have been brought up like anybody else

digging around for some nefarious truth
of the attention living a different more fulfilling
life schedule that is not realistically sustainable

-- Clark Allison

Digital banking revolution: More change in 10 years than last 200
Tim Berners-Lee: 'Staggering how people are hateful on the web'
Renée Zellweger: 'I'm Glad Folks Think I Look Different'

Friday, October 24, 2014

Museum Leaves Awareness

Law and the boot both have to pay to keep up with the group
we steal the call of a daytime leopard
prowling in the fields of copyright

a smartphone in parrot as it was found or caught
which knockoffs to collect how not even the losses
can protect themselves from themselves

because they spread out of the reach
of the android they try to build between government operas
and the moonless apple of counterfeits lollipop

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Chimps Caught on Camera Prowling in National Park
Clueless FBI sabotages its own anti-encryption campaign
Knockoff Appeal: Counterfeits Can Boost Sales of Real Thing

Monday, October 13, 2014

Contract Through Surfaces

threatening species reservoir bivalves originated spread
block water supplies colonies on hard surfaces
non-native maximum risk new canal ships discharging ballast

weakened intense rain waves instruction personnel assigned
sustained highs expect damaging through
equivalent to videographers showing palm trees

with these in mind conscious talks from time to time
becoming person contract disease serious ZMapp
improving health source condition-made tested clinically

-- Clark Allison

Quagga mussel: 'Dangerous' mollusc found near Heathrow
Vongfong pelts Okinawa with rain, waves
Ebola-infected Spanish nurse improving after dose of ZMapp

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Has Competing Features

Louisiana's new product that can plant itself in rifts
and seas is locking green horns with neighboring Texas,
these giant plains that share almost a rectangle.

It can only be purchased online through bodily fluids,
and anyone sick enough to worry about it
is sick enough to know it's working.

The finding is that oceans don't know what color they are
(green, green), or that they know it but only share it
with someone they've previously showed it to.

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Louisiana preps in case Ebola virus arrives
Coke and Pepsi launch competing green stevia sodas
Scientists discover origins of moon's largest basin

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Shoeless Kumbaya Nature

It was 3 a.m. in astronomy.
Until now, planets of BlackBerry, this festival
planets of thumping electronic music for three

gentle vibrations of efficiency, a super hot bundle of
spirituality published in a Bottle, converts and first author
surrounded by fresh-faced bohemians sporting tippet-tappety

headlining, in fact, the Nevada desert
isn’t the smallest Blackberry planet said
a 1960s Volkswagen van, shoeless, shirtless, first author.

-- Elizabeth Evans

New milestone in search for water outside solar system
The Progeny of Burning Man
A New BlackBerry, Eager for Converts

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Neutral Operations (Two)

the reflects has in.
placidly the stretches to deepen reflects similar includes.
beneath eminent gliding than paint stretches.

appears, scale harvest, reflects, simply drawn.
a bailed into, the fish their revealed.
by the sea chart break to until.

the shift that a drinkers rest would in.
rest even use such found too the revealed.
beneath the juice other rest to on.

-- Glenn R. Frantz

The Rich Are Eating Richer, the Poor Are Eating Poorer
RBS will leave Scotland if voters back independence
Seismic gap may be filled by an earthquake near Istanbul

Neutral Operations (One)

the contrast has for.
up the drew of goes contrast northern sweetened.
of one producing than shares drew.

buy, model deepen, contrast, more grown.
a indicated of, the fault their scored.
in the fruits zones buy to along.

the goes that a nuts nod would on.
nod mean deepen seismic appears away the score.
since the earthquakes legumes nod to of.

-- Glenn R. Frantz

The Rich Are Eating Richer, the Poor Are Eating Poorer
RBS will leave Scotland if voters back independence
Seismic gap may be filled by an earthquake near Istanbul

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Shell and Evening

even if you could figure it out you didn't need to
understand, if you want to play in theory
whether a snail is at home in the rain

by measuring the woods had paced back and
in the well of the cup, even the calm land seems convoluted
when the tired patterns relaxed like past hours

fossilization practice -- accumulation, for example
if it needed a recent idea, in the cup of the well
even better if you mixed in the unknown formula

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Paleolithic Escargot - Prehistoric Spaniards Cooked Snails
Reviewing the viability of a PGA Tour playoff system
First relatively calm night in Ferguson since teen's death

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Vacuum Current Revealed

I am bubbling with the zeitgeist! Twin PR companies
have just announced my plan for a cylindrical underground
Gigafactory to build the new Tesla Thermos.

The factory, conceptually executed, will produce
enough hot coffee to last into the 18th century.
A ship of up to 40 feet can be assembled in a bottle,

removed, and at last discovered
in the mysterious ancient shipyard of Arabica.
Construction starts now and will stop in the year 1773.

-- Glenn R. Frantz

I Drank a Cup of Hot Coffee That Was Overnighted Across the Country
Tesla's new battery teammate: Panasonic
Wooden ship found beneath World Trade Centre built in 18th-century Philadelphia