Wednesday, January 13, 2010



Monday, January 11, 2010



Face / Light / Leaf

Until the face exposed them, the brain did not detect its
features. On paper, the half-face hybrids darkened: Blind
face impression, separate from the passive nameplates.

Until the light exposed them, the brain did not detect its
features. On paper, the half-light hybrids darkened: Blind
light impression, separate from the passive nameplates.

Until the leaf exposed them, the brain did not detect its
features. On paper, the half-leaf hybrids darkened: Blind
leaf impression, separate from the passive nameplates.

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Croatia's break with the past
Even in blind patients, light worsens migraines
Even as electric cars are rolled out in Detroit today, U.S. will lag the world in adoption