Sunday, December 28, 2014

Easier Than Said

They lifted the sea and that was the next.
If you have three choices,
you have three choices and parts of January,

nearly all of January and nearly all of Sumatra.
You have a survey and parts of the ocean.
A column of seawater to have unwrapped

is not the worst of it.
To be the worst of it, to be fully the worst of it,
is to have to rush back to the seabed in a little morning.

-- Glenn R. Frantz

Got a Gift That Just Isn't You? Be a Smart Returner
Will Indonesia Be Ready for the Next Tsunami?
DMV delays rules for driverless cars

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Cyber Learning Days

still learning the details being insufficiently supportive
putting wings on pigs an attack in retribution
shot execution style stealing a box of cigarillos

the dark days of 1998 rouble has continued to plummet
then came Western sanctions a sense of panic in the markets
how severe the problems and is there a way out

capitulation sets a bad precedent on vacation in Hawaii
treat, you know, the incidence of crime not an act of war
costly cyber vandalism pre-taped interview this morning

-- Clark Allison

Two N.Y. police officers slain in apparent retribution attack
Russia economy: What is the risk of meltdown?
Obama says North Korea's Sony hack not 'an act of war'

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Fast Animal Artworks

She's the most recognizable woman in three dimensions,
but which is the portrait, and who do we see
when we are picturing mirrors everywhere?

The researchers think a lot of which way up they are,
as they manoeuvre to the Louvre, to the Louvre, mother,
like metal, like the difference between bats and batteries,

we gaze at the world through moldable portraits,
charged by a dust compass that can store a neural moment,
explains the woman with the conductive head.

-- Glenn R. Frantz

At Drexel, clay-like substance could be battery of future
Bat nav: Animals' 3D brain compass found
Art Exhibit Explores the Madonna as Woman, Mother, and Idea