Monday, October 16, 2006

Nuclear Graffiti Temple

These people. Ragged sentimental youths
taking the Fifth. What moody decades.
This is a real stage, damn it!

Go ahead, sing penniless songs,
perform our atom laboratory’s
history, our messages and mistakes.

Yesterday we fabricated
ultraheavy nuclear polaroids.
The CBGB effect. Loud.

--Lance Newman

Lawyer Gets Much Less Jail Time Than U.S. Sought
CBGB Brings Down the Curtain With Nostalgia
Researchers Say They've Produced Element 118

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Five-game Power Earthquake

“Zone defense!” say the spotty Americans,
“Strangle immigration for a landslide!”
But mammoth protests sweep the stadiums.

Cherubic candidates telephone for images:
criminals, feminists, Eskimos, terrorists.
Win! Win big! A pennant-clinching ad quake!

An oil blizzard rocks the clubhouse,
holy as a birthday series. Oh flags.
Oh eerie TV. Oh pricey republic.

--Lance Newman

6.3 quake rocks Hawaii
Midterm Meanness: Negative Ads Rule the 2006 Elections
Another World: Tigers sweep into Series

Melancholic Village Deposits

People are developing worlds, their imaginations fed
By exile and the so-called Lake Effect.
People are knocking out power. Thousands

Are known for having managed to work themselves
Into victims of the state, into new symbols for The Clash,
The river, the old city. Even the Blue Mosque,

Caught as she is, fills with people without power.
O beloved yet confused Istanbul, the 105-mile stretch
To the end of breakfast has been closed by Snow!

--Daniel Bosch

Microcredit Idea Inspires Programs Worldwide
Winter sweeps in early to parts of northern U.S.
Istanbul’s soul-keeper

Friday, October 13, 2006

Modest Evolutionary Smog

Executives pledge the traditional billion,
suggesting fires could trigger sudden
markets for something pristine.

University officials launch animal
banks to lend precious embryos,
managing millions in cellular wealth.

Ministers agree, poverty is dated.
Pioneering organisms evolved
for peace on capitalist earth.

--Lance Newman

Haze-Hit Countries Meeting Ends Without Detailed Plan
Microcredit Pioneer Gets Nobel for Peace
Embryo Fossils Give Insight into First Complex Life

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Crumpled Security Ministry

Amish modern machines hauled away,
boy judge proclaimed, despite reports.
Heavy construction: five girls, gunman.

The White House pushed photo
opportunity overcome and environment
less stable. Bell tower toppled.

North Korean foreign affairs injured
Chinese adoption. Madonna’s mouthpieces
have yet to comment.

--Robert Woerheide

Contractors Demolish Amish Schoolhouse
White House Joins Push to Break UN Resolution Deadlock
It's Official: Madonna's a Mama

Hearty Political Fatwa

Mr. Bush, contradicting
Social commonsense, bound
To congressional literature,

Honoured an incendiary event.
The public calls for condemnation. They demand
Mr. Foley be made a symbol.

A leader with a smile
Gave aid to the situation; beaming,
He ensured the support of home.

--Colin Morgan

Bush Gives Hastert Boost in Time of Need
Call is a victory for commonsense: Beazley
Nobel for Orhan Pamuk

Empire’s placebo capsule

While patient millions submit to drugs,
government-funded amateurs
search for the pyramid’s trigger,

beam websites marketing
the Other to extraterrestrials.
These men may be liable for History.

Our national disease is fraud, a dementia
sprawling across the order of things,
troubling the ruins of nature.

--Lance Newman

Yahoo's Pyramid Plan Crumbles
Law reins in wild webbers
Little Benefit Seen in Antipsychotics Used in Alzheimer's

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Local Killings Increase

The community develops a sacrifice.
Cory Lidle is willing to kill
Embarrassment in Iraq.

The toll of death
From an insurgent network
Is not on-scene. Not of a baseball

Mind. Furor and terrorism exist
Only in New York. Angles
And avenues are aflame. Not frank.

--Colin Morgan

Gibson tells of drinking demons

Plane crash rattles New Yorkers
Study: 2,660 civilians slain in Baghdad last month

Freed Raises Five

Headed just later Shakaa
Unharmed public leading
Second appeared French

West gather stirred head on
Leading Television single
Train late reports who was in crash

Other associated several networks
Like West group movement
Inside just found being

--Wellin Sillow

N Korea raises threat of new test
Train collision in northeastern France kills five
US student kidnapped in West Bank, freed after a few hours

North Korea Stoked

Wednesday an act of war.
Neighbors race to bolster blast: success!
More people than normal

Prepare for atomic warfare, battling to bring us
High-definition invasion and ensuing strife,
The economic lifeline.

Surely the best will win?
Both sides could lose. And vice versa.
Further pressure. Further press.

--Daniel Bosch

High-definition films: the battle for our screens
Study sees 655,000 Iraqi war deaths; Bush disputes
Bush Calls on U.N. to Curb N. Korea's Efforts

Precise Civilian Hostage

Exactly four clandestine arsenals go public yesterday,
morguing wild hardware. Pennsylvania hangs Iraqi cats
and requests mountain guns to calm civilians.

Attorneys acknowledge the schoolhouse breeds commotion,
with hourly crossings quadrupled in this rugged county.
Dispassionate, elusive, Mr. Kill authorized the undercount

when sneaking jaguars screamed, “No Baghdad!”
Check back for margins. Everybody’s precise: smugglers,
dispatchers, government. Formidable accuracy’s American.

--Lance Newman

911 Transcripts Are Released in Amish School Shooting
Iraqi Dead May Total 600,000, Study Says
Gone for Decades, Jaguars Steal Back to the Southwest

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hidden Lettuce Bomb

Pages plant luxury seed, nuclear crops, media damage.
A leafy spokesman-type denies reality:
the North’s purported ally, reclusive consumers.

Spent investigators contact Pyongyang, threaten scandal.
China's communist farmers launch bacterial standoff.
Should Russia know? Should the World?

Concentrate, Congressman: Aren’t wilting
nations the problem, alongside the ministry? Think.
Executive suite. Six-party morning. Miles from anyone....

--Lance Newman

Voluntary Lettuce Recall Creates More Worry for Farmers
Hastert: Anyone who knew about Foley 'should go'
U.S. rejects direct talks with North Korea